It seems everyone has a betrayal story. three days back, I was at a dinner gathering, and as soon as I described that i was planning to do a blog about betrayal one of this days , one of the guests told me what happened with her landlord. She and her partner had just moved in to a house on the outskirts of Nairobi. with their retinue of 8 pets -- 4 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and 2 dogs -- when the fires gutted their house. Though they did get back their security deposit, their landlord refused to return their rent for the 2 1/2 weeks they could no longer live there, and they ended up living with a friend for several days, unable to pull together both the security deposit and the rent for a new place. Eventually, they were able to find some friends to take their animals, while they moved in with the woman's sister.
Was this a betrayal? They think it was because the landlord, who was fully insured, essentially abandoned them, unconcerned about their fate after the fire. Eventually, they feel a lawyer or government agency may be able to take on their landlord, so they're hoping for some ultimate justice. But in the meantime, their landlord's action left them in an even more dire position than they would have been otherwise in the aftermath of the fire.
Unfortunately, that's the way a betrayal often works. In the short-term, the betrayer seems to get away with taking advantage. But in the long-term, their actions often catch up with them, and when they do, they often lose even more. For justice when she strikes raises a heavy hand; like karma finally catching up at some point in time.
if someone has ever betrayed you just know that ,
karma is a BITCH !